My Life on Earth

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Small Stuff

My question for everyone today; is do you see God in the small stuff? God has really impressed on me the importance of seeing Him in the small things, not just the big things where it is easy to see Him.

Luke 9:10-17 - The feeding of the five thousand
vs 1 - "When Jesus had called the twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases..."
vs 12-13 - "Late in the afternoon the twelve came to him and said, 'Send the crowd away so they can go to the surrounding villages and countryside and find food and lodging, because we are in a remote place here.' He replied, "You give them something to eat." They answered, 'We have only five loaves of bread and two fish-unless we go and buy food for all this crowd.'"

So on the same day the disciples had enough faith to cast out demons and cure diseases of the people, they did not have enough faith to feed the five thousand. They know that God(Christ) was big enough, powerful enough to cast out demons and heal the sick, but to feed the five thousand, what a small task. What happened to their faith? Did they only see God as one who is only concerned about the big things not the little things?

In my own life, it is easy to see God in the big things, and much easier to see him in the small things now. I want to see God in everything, because he is in everything. How easy it was to see God work together all things for good, when the hubby and I got ready to move from Mississippi to Alabama. It was easy to see Him in two miscarriages that ended with exactly what I had prayed for in Little Man. Little Man is my David, my mighty warrior, with a soft heart. The big things are easy for us to see God, if you are looking of course.

But the small things, Wow, do you look? I do because I want to see Him. My God, the God, is not in a box anymore. For example, after several weeks of lots of overtime preparing for a new job, then a trip to Chicago, I had not seen the Hubby much. It was beginning to really get to me. I wanted him home. The day he gets back from Chicago, we were meeting for lunch. While I was sitting in my van, crying, praying God please just let him come home for dinner. When the hubby gets there, he asks if I am hungry or if I want to go home. I said I wanted to have lunch with him, he then said that he was not going back to work because his wife needed him. I just started crying even more, because God not only answered, but he answered better than I asked.

Do you see God in the small stuff? If not, look for Him, he will show Himself to you.

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