My Life on Earth

Monday, May 5, 2008

Another Hobby

Some of you might have figured out by now that I enjoy taking pictures of people. So I thought I would share some of those pictures with you today, since I really did have anything to say.

Father and son, July 4th, 2007

Mini-Me at five months old

Little Man at 3 years old

Kid-O, 7 years old

The newest addition to our church family, 23 hours old

Newest addition to our church family, and mom's hand, 23 hours old


Caleb and Emily's Mommy said...

Anytime you want to practice your hobby my children are available :)! I don't think I am going to go private but I will put you on my links list with just your first name. Is that ok?

Shawna said...

Beautiful pictures. You've got such talent!! I especially like the ones of your children. :)