My Life on Earth

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Routine Needed...

So, life has changed a lot for us in the last four weeks. We have left one house, moved to another. Left one school, moved to another. Went from riding the school bus to having no buses. From having morning Bible study time and prayer to no mornings for myself. And now the process of finding a new home church has begun.

We visited one church this evening that was nice, but we did not get much of a feel for it because they don't have evening worship service only study classes. We joined in on one though. We will probably go back and try it again. We are finding that many of the churches where we have moved too don't offer evening Sunday service. Many offer study classes, which is great, but you can't get a feel for the pastor that way.

All that said, I ask that those of you who read and believe in the power of prayer, if you would, please pray for routine in our lives, and the home church God would have us to be involved in.

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